Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New dawn, new day, new life.

It's been awhile since I've updated anything in here. Well I guess now is the right time to do so. I've just finished my studies of four years. Four years of a boring student's life. Thank god I'm able to finish my studies on time and even got a moderate final result. A B. But I'm okay with that. To be honest I'm thrilled and proud with that result.

Since the end of May right after the last program I've attended there I went back to my home town. The moment is priceless. I've been away from home for the last 7 years and I've made my decision to continue my life at the place that I was born.

After a full two weeks of rest and care-less life, my mother starts to blab at me to get a job. "Relax laa". Lol. So I started to spam jobstreet with my low class resume. Weeks gone by and I still got no response from them. "Employers, Y U NO CALL ME FOR AN INTERVIEW?" I'm starting to get restless, and I'm still not clicking the panic button. I'm still myself, sleeping all day, gaming all night.

Then the turning point of my life came. I got the result for the final semester. And I've instantly updated my resume and posted it to this one company. It was a Friday so I've got to wait until the next week to get any updates from that. By that time, I'm still not convinced that there will be any replies from all my application spams. The next Tuesday came the most exciting SMS I've ever got, I've been called for an interview! The interview was arranged for the next two weeks, so I've got, hmm let me count... two weeks to prepare myself. Did I prepared? If you really knew me than you will know that I've never prepared myself for anything which is a distance away from me. (This explains the final results).

But. There is something that's been bothering me from this opportunity. I'm not really that interested in the position. I've already said yes. And already got some regrets in me. Thinking positively, I'm going to assume this interview as a training for my future interview. But will I have any future interview? No, I believe. So I've asked the person politely, and professionally for a change in position. And guess what? I've got a position that I'm more comfortable with. At this point, I'm excited just by waiting for the day to come. I sleep at night thinking of words to say. But deep inside me, I knew I can never get the perfect words and sentences in my mind out of my head to my mouth. My mouth and brain doesn't work well altogether.

And there it is, the final day right before my first interview. I'm beginning to panic and starts to jot what I think to a paper. This doesn't ends up well, I got lazy and stopped. By just memorizing some point I believe I'll be able to get it out my mouth flawlessly. Again. As expected. I'm wrong.

Here comes the day of the interview. I'm still not prepared for it. But still get to it. There I was waiting for the HR to get me. And I was shocked that there was also 5 other candidates all there to compete with me. Sigh. I thought I was alone. At this point I'm not all that excited anymore. They've taken that away from me.

Still I believe I've tried my best, and now I'm so tired of typing this and I want to end it sooner. A story is more enjoyable with a happy ending right? Well the next two days, the HR there called me and told me I was selected and invited me for a Medical checkup there the next day. I'm very happy that I'm able to get a job from my very first interview. Thanks Allah. Luck is on my side this time.

I'm going to start work next week. And I'm able to enjoy this last week at home. Yeah at home! I'm very happy to get a job where I can live here at my own home. No more house renting. No more get to know housemates. I'm very happy now.