Saturday, March 19, 2011

Almost forgot.

Once in a while. Once a month. That would be great. Only and only if. Hey, what am I talking about actually. Is there really any talking even being made here? Nope!

'Sebab pulut santan binasa, sebab mulut badan binasa'

Is this pantun or what the hell it's called even relevant anymore? Definitely no. You can freely write about anything you want; just as long as you have an internet connection. No mouth involved here.

Maybe one day or even in the past someone, somewhere might have been offended by me; either from my mouth, even from my not so many writings. Do I even give a slight of fuck about it? Probably.

I've noticed changes in people. One day they will say they love you, and one day they will say they miss you. Can you actually believe it? How can they miss you so much? What have you actually done to them to warrant you such an honor? If you can answer that then you are likely blind; blindly in love. All you deserve now is a pity.

How much have you wasted on someone? Is it worth it? I've should have known earlier. You should have left me earlier. Not just to make myself feel a little better, but I believe it's a fact. By not falling in love during studies. Just make as many friends as you want. Get out with who ever the hell you want. Without even reporting to anyone. That's what a student should be like. Not being trapped. And not to lose a single cent on things you didn't enjoy doing.

All in all I'm still searching for something. But without even giving a slightest of hope. This way I'm able to get as many friends without being flirty because I just don't give a fuck. I just want to be your friend, nothing less, nothing more. But seeing how other guys acts like. I'm just sad. Real sad. Typical pathetic guys. Falling in love with every single women in the world. I'm just hoping I have the ability to avoid that. It's simple; just believe that you are not worthy for anyone. Because this is how I am currently picturing myself.